Easily create and manage your cards, with only two clicks you can add a new card.
Create different decks for any subject, and there is an unlimited number of flashcards that you can add to each deck!
Studying hasn't been easier when using this app, the memory games are fun and to the point.
If you already have flashcards set, you can easily import it into the app and have your deck within the app, there is no limit for the number of cards you can have!
There are currently three different memory games that vary in difficulty, you can choose either game to practice memorizing your added cards.
Easily review your flashcards by yourself or with friends.
Choose which cards you would like to practice with to change improve your learning, every flash cards set consists of 5 words each.
This is the best way to improve your vocabulary, you will feel after just a few of days that you are remembering more and more words. :-)
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